Conference Report

Appendix: Threshold 2030

Appendix: Threshold 2030

A two-day conference in Oct 2024 bringing together 30 leading economists, AI policy experts, and professional forecasters to rapidly evaluate the economic impacts of frontier AI technologies by 2030.

All Economic Causal Model Notes

Group 1: Growth

Commonalities, Cruxes, Uncertainties

Write a 1-paragraph reflection and summary of the model you’ve created.

Attendee 1A

The hardware-software model (Hardware and software: A new perspective on the past and future of economic growth) is a high-level representation of the production process. It assumes that output is produced through (i) purposefully initiated (ii) physical action. Therefore it considers two key factors of production: hardware and software, instead of the traditional capital-labor dichotomy. It assumes that both hardware and software are mutually complementary and essential in production. Hardware consists of physical capital and human physical labor. Software includes human cognitive work and digital software, including AI. Hardware and software are used both in final production and R&D.

Zooming into the factors, one can uncover a multiplicity of factors affecting the technology level as well as the supply of software factors.

Attendee 2D

Scaling-focused model: Focuses on breaking down the change in the economy in terms of three major factors: <1. General capability of deployed models. 2. How economically “useful” that capability is. 3. And the cost of using that deployed AI.> Progress in AI drives especially (1), application of AI drives (2), and technological investment drives (3). As HLMI in 2030 would most likely depend on “compute scaling”, this model is hence focused on what appears to be important factors in driving the relevance and power of such compute scaling.

Attendee 5B

TFP Submodels: Two parts of the bigger Application/economic effects model attempting  to show the factors driving TFP via knowledge accumulation and human capital quality.

In human capital quality submodel, the key inputs are skill matches (do humans have the right skills to use AI well?), education, and management quality. In the latter case, this is not just human management but potentially AI supervision (of humans, or other AIs). If AI supervision becomes useful (likely in Scenario 3) it requires decent social ability from the AI and ways of getting work information into the system (and for training), requiring monitoring and measuring systems. Human acceptance of this is a key variable that might go in many directions.

AI reliability is a key driver for the need for human supervision of AI, and AI ability to act as a superviser for tasks. Benchmarking it is likely a very useful thing, and might be measured by checking how well AI handles long task chains before going off the track.

What are the most important cruxes you’ve found from this work? Answers to what questions would most help you resolve predictions from your economic model?

Attendee 1A

Frontier technological progress can be expected to proceed much faster than adoption and diffusion into production and R&D. Specifically, even drastic improvements in AI capabilities will not immediately transpire into TFP growth, because of partial automation that keeps humans in the loop, also people’s reluctance to adopt and legal/social constraints.

However, use of AI in R&D, and particularly AI R&D, can lead to a positive feedback loop. A cascade of recursive self-improvements leads to intelligence explosion, with scary implications (for real, not just on Halloween!).

What was the area of most uncertainty in your model?

Attendee 1A

There can be a lot more interactions than we have highlighted. The effects can be highly nonlinear. Some of the nonlinearities are described by the structure of the hardware-software framework, but there are also others. For example, there is a clear link between AI quality and market structure or capital allocation across firms. There is also a clear link between robotics and human labor allocation; AI quality and R&D efficiency.

Attendee 2D

There are important uncertainties in exactly what capability AI has now and will have in the future, and how far adaptation/last-mile-traveling will go at each point. Further “scaling” may be extremely powerful in the next 5 years, or maybe it will be somewhat useful but very very expensive.

What are the most key important things?

Regulatory complexity might be quite crucial

Attendee 1A

It is a huge area of uncertainty - whether scenarios like Scenario 3 will involve an AI takeover, or humankind will remain in control. Under intelligence explosion, the likelihood of AI takeover is high.

What measurables, if you had access to, would help you predict the value of your top-level metric most effectively?

Attendee 5B

TFP is a total vanilla metric. Is there anything in that literature that would be useful for AI? There should be existing work that should be repurposable to some extent.

Attendee 3D

One predictor for TFP in 2030 would be TFP in 2027. Is there something that we’d prefer knowing about 2027?

Attendee 1A

Even if we assume drastic changes in technologies, the previous year will still be heavily predictive of the TFP level.

Attendee 2D

Scaling focused model

Speculative metrics:


An actual metric of the general capability of AI models (that could for example show if an AI is actually HLMI).


An actual metric of the general capability of AI models (that could for example show if an AI is actually HLMI).


An actual metric of the general capability of AI models (that could for example show if an AI is actually HLMI).


A metric of applicability / ease of driving the “last mile”, given a model with a certain general capability.


A metric of applicability / ease of driving the “last mile”, given a model with a certain general capability.


A metric of applicability / ease of driving the “last mile”, given a model with a certain general capability.


The cost of building and buying AI is “easy”.


The cost of building and buying AI is “easy”.


The cost of building and buying AI is “easy”.

Then, you’d need some way of working from those factors to figure out the impacts on the economy. An additional model.

Group 2: Growth

Commonalities, Cruxes, Uncertainties

Write a 1-paragraph reflection and summary of the model you’ve created.

Initially we focussed on GDP-ish, but in the afternoon we shifted to one giant driver of GDP-ish: diffusion of AI. Even if all cognitive tasks are automatable, there are still important factors that determine whether they will be automated. We’ve therefore focused on “Share of AI-automated cognitive work by 2030”. There’s lots of factors that slow down diffusion. Our team focused on India, with its growing young population, less developed AI industry, and great variation in citizens’ circumstances. There are also reasons diffusion could be faster in India; size of service industry, for example.

What are the most important cruxes you’ve found from this work? Answers to what questions would most help you resolve predictions from your economic model?

The top level nodes are the most important nodes, by definition, but these get a lot of attention. We focused on diffusion as a crux for GDP-ish. For the things than fan out from diffusion, the most important sub-cruxes, those that give the strongest signal are:

Trust. Do people trust AI to do jobs correctly?

Trust. Do people trust AI to do jobs correctly?

Trust. Do people trust AI to do jobs correctly?

Capabilities are a major crux but we’re assuming scenario 3.

Capabilities are a major crux but we’re assuming scenario 3.

Capabilities are a major crux but we’re assuming scenario 3.

Speed of retooling - adoption and associated restructuring - by companies. Inertia is easy and cost of doing nothing is low - at least, outside competitive pressures, which will vary by sector but be broadly strong. Lot’s of factors feed into this factor.

Speed of retooling - adoption and associated restructuring - by companies. Inertia is easy and cost of doing nothing is low - at least, outside competitive pressures, which will vary by sector but be broadly strong. Lot’s of factors feed into this factor.

Speed of retooling - adoption and associated restructuring - by companies. Inertia is easy and cost of doing nothing is low - at least, outside competitive pressures, which will vary by sector but be broadly strong. Lot’s of factors feed into this factor.

What was the area of most uncertainty in your model?

The geopolitical node was very uncertain. Big impact scenarios are hard to predict and account for, but will be important.

Capabilities need to be in publicly available models to have big impact. If frontier models are monopolized by, e.g. DoD, we could be in scenario 3 but it’d feel like scenario 1 for most people.

We have uncertainty in how much trust matters. Specifically, trust by the public vs trust by the regulators & governments. The former can largely be manufactured. If capabilities are high enough, profits will find a way to convince people. However, one big bad event could undermine adoption. Is nuclear power a good reference class? Well, there were other alternatives to nuclear power but are there alternatives to automating the economy?

Diffusion will also be messy. Things will be chaotic. People initially didn’t care about the privacy implications of the web - not because there were good privacy practices but because people just didn’t think about it. Trust might deteriorate. 

What measurables, if you had access to, would help you predict the value of your top-level metric most effectively?

Not the most important factor, but countries will be interested in: To what extent can good intentioned, pro-AI governments with lots of funding to allocate make a difference to diffusion? Where should resources be allocated?

Cost of AI is very important and needs to be measured. Inference might not just get cheaper and cheaper - O1 was an uptick. We expect it to go down, but we can’t be certain. Knowing this would be influential.

Energy use is also important and impacts cost, but we don’t know loads about it.

If in 3 years there was a complete overhaul of drug approval to accommodate basic breakthroughs from Alphafold, that’d be a big update about where the world is going in terms of diffusion. That’s a very conservative, highly regulated environment. It’s less so a driver of diffusion and more of a real-world observable signal that diffusion is happening. If it doesn’t happen, is this a huge missed opportunity? Can hype drive diffusion? If the public knows some AI research has developed a superdrug but it’s blocked by regulation, there’ll be huge pressure to skip regulation. More generally, where it’s legible to the public that there’s some hugely helpful thing that they don’t have access to, there’ll be huge political pressure to access it.

How good are open source models? Is the ecosystem thriving and they don’t go misused, that’ll hugely impact diffusion. It’ll encourage specialization, experimentation, less reliance on big actors etc. Very influential.

What are the topics that members of your table disagreed on the most?

Not much disagreement! Mostly exploratory discussion.

One small point of disagreement is the importance/impact of trust, and how manipulatable it is.

While talking about barriers to diffusion, there’s a non-trivial likelihood that people are directing AI to solve the barriers to diffusion. Most of what we’ve identified are status quo barriers, but there’s a recursive element that we haven’t integrated. For example, maybe capabilities is really the only crux that matters. Capable enough AI can manipulate trust, persuade people to and how to diffuse it, and will lead to rapid diffusion whose speed depends only on capabilities.

Group 3: Intra-US Inequality

Introduction to Economic Causal Models: What are the best top-level metrics to measure growth?


Perception of quality of life


Perception of quality of life


Perception of quality of life


Possible confounding factors


Possible confounding factors


Possible confounding factors


Difference between actual and perceived?


Difference between actual and perceived?


Difference between actual and perceived?


Palma ratio


Palma ratio


Palma ratio


Gini wealth


Gini wealth


Gini wealth


Trust? Social capital?


Trust? Social capital?


Trust? Social capital?


Social mobility


Social mobility


Social mobility


Difference between actual and perceived social mobility


Difference between actual and perceived social mobility


Difference between actual and perceived social mobility


Difference between labor and capital income


Difference between labor and capital income


Difference between labor and capital income

Palma: Income share of top x% / bottom x%

Gini for wealth

Ideating on Intermediate Variables: What are the most important variables that contribute to the previously selected top-level metric?

(for Palma ratio)


Elasticity of between human labor and AI automation


Elasticity of between human labor and AI automation


Elasticity of between human labor and AI automation


elasticity across current income brackets


elasticity across current income brackets


elasticity across current income brackets


input variable: marginal cost of AI


input variable: marginal cost of AI


input variable: marginal cost of AI


proportion of labor displacement that is full automation vs augmentation


proportion of labor displacement that is full automation vs augmentation


proportion of labor displacement that is full automation vs augmentation








Labour Participation


Labour Participation


Labour Participation


maybe: average upskilling overhead for displaced labor to rejoin labor force


maybe: average upskilling overhead for displaced labor to rejoin labor force


maybe: average upskilling overhead for displaced labor to rejoin labor force


Social mobility index


Social mobility index


Social mobility index


Tax rates (by income)


Tax rates (by income)


Tax rates (by income)


Access to AI


Access to AI


Access to AI


Access to gains from access to AI


Access to gains from access to AI


Access to gains from access to AI














changes in value of capital stocks


changes in value of capital stocks


changes in value of capital stocks


Capital Labour income gap


Capital Labour income gap


Capital Labour income gap







Commonalities, Cruxes, Uncertainties

Write a 1-paragraph reflection and summary of the model you’ve created.

In estimating the Palma ratio c. 2030, assuming no major policy changes, we found that changes depend largely on the capital-labor income gap and on the elasticity of substitution between human and AI labor. As AI is a form of capital, changes in AI capabilities and applications will change the value and income-generating potential of capital stocks. Changes in returns on non-AI capital, such as stocks and real estate, will also impact income returns on capital. Changes in labor income depend on the elasticity of substitution, which in turn depends on the proportion of job tasks that are automatable, the marginal cost savings of automating those tasks, and the non-financial costs of integrating AI (including e.g. tacit knowledge reduction and coordination barriers). Changes in unemployment rates – affected by rates of reskilling of displaced workers (including effectively displaced workers whose wages are decreased as most but not some of their labor is automated) – and corresponding wage changes based on changes in labor supply, also impact changes in labor income. Finally, changes in taxation per tax brackets will affect inequality by affecting the distribution of labor income across tax brackets.

What are the most important cruxes you’ve found from this work? Answers to what questions would most help you resolve predictions from your economic model?


Measurables are a subset of cruxes


Measurables are a subset of cruxes


Measurables are a subset of cruxes


Proportion of job tasks actually substituted with AI


Proportion of job tasks actually substituted with AI


Proportion of job tasks actually substituted with AI


Speed (and ability) of reskilling for job-displaced population to change to higher-demand labor classes


Speed (and ability) of reskilling for job-displaced population to change to higher-demand labor classes


Speed (and ability) of reskilling for job-displaced population to change to higher-demand labor classes


Which industries are most important to track these changes in, as leading or representative indicators of general trends?


Which industries are most important to track these changes in, as leading or representative indicators of general trends?


Which industries are most important to track these changes in, as leading or representative indicators of general trends?


Call centers?


Call centers?


Call centers?


Regulated industries


Regulated industries


Regulated industries

What was the area of most uncertainty in your model?


Will the reasons inequality is bad today be the same post-AGI?


Will the reasons inequality is bad today be the same post-AGI?


Will the reasons inequality is bad today be the same post-AGI?


Uncertainty about whether PALMA is bad


Uncertainty about whether PALMA is bad


Uncertainty about whether PALMA is bad


Uncertain about government intervention: UBI, taxes, etc.


Uncertain about government intervention: UBI, taxes, etc.


Uncertain about government intervention: UBI, taxes, etc.


What tasks will be automatable and what won't? This depends more on diffusion friction.


What tasks will be automatable and what won't? This depends more on diffusion friction.


What tasks will be automatable and what won't? This depends more on diffusion friction.


Creation of new jobs due to technological advancements


Creation of new jobs due to technological advancements


Creation of new jobs due to technological advancements

Call centers, driving gigs, therapists,

What are the topics that members of your table disagreed on the most?

Can all jobs be automated?

Group 4: Inter-Country Inequality

Introduction to Economic Causal Models: What are the best top-level metrics to measure inequality?

★ Share of US and world GDP

★ Share of US and world GDP

★ Share of US and world GDP

★ GDP for developing countries / non-rich countries

★ GDP for developing countries / non-rich countries

★ GDP for developing countries / non-rich countries

★ Government expenditure

★ Government expenditure

★ Government expenditure

Healthcare cost of quality

Healthcare cost of quality

Healthcare cost of quality




Sensemaking institution

Sensemaking institution

Sensemaking institution




Energy use / access

Energy use / access

Energy use / access

Condition on adoption cohorts

Ideating on Intermediate Variables: What are the most important variables that contribute to the previously selected top-level metric?

Rich countries buy intelligence from developing countries (e.g. call centers)

Rich countries buy intelligence from developing countries (e.g. call centers)

Rich countries buy intelligence from developing countries (e.g. call centers)

Economic dependence on AI providers — AI sovereignty

Economic dependence on AI providers — AI sovereignty

Economic dependence on AI providers — AI sovereignty

AI values / preferences / beliefs alignment

AI values / preferences / beliefs alignment

AI values / preferences / beliefs alignment

Cost of the technology

Cost of the technology

Cost of the technology

Global governance/foreign aid/redistribution

Global governance/foreign aid/redistribution

Global governance/foreign aid/redistribution

Where within the stack value accumulates

Where within the stack value accumulates

Where within the stack value accumulates

AI -> Renewables breakthrough -> crowns new economic winners

AI -> Renewables breakthrough -> crowns new economic winners

AI -> Renewables breakthrough -> crowns new economic winners

Distributes knowledge to the developing world

Distributes knowledge to the developing world

Distributes knowledge to the developing world

Solves all kinds of personal problems -> crop yield, food preparation

Solves all kinds of personal problems -> crop yield, food preparation

Solves all kinds of personal problems -> crop yield, food preparation

Infrastructure investments — 2b ppl don’t have internet

Infrastructure investments — 2b ppl don’t have internet

Infrastructure investments — 2b ppl don’t have internet

Brain drain — more or less?

Brain drain — more or less?

Brain drain — more or less?

Returns to agglomeration

Returns to agglomeration

Returns to agglomeration

Nuclear for data centers

Nuclear for data centers

Nuclear for data centers

Pathways toward economic growth for LMICs potentially affected by AI

Pathways toward economic growth for LMICs potentially affected by AI

Pathways toward economic growth for LMICs potentially affected by AI

Raw materials - lithium

Raw materials - lithium

Raw materials - lithium

Data enrichment labor

Data enrichment labor

Data enrichment labor

BPO (disrupted/evaporates)

BPO (disrupted/evaporates)

BPO (disrupted/evaporates)

Energy (solar, nuclear, hydro, others)

Energy (solar, nuclear, hydro, others)

Energy (solar, nuclear, hydro, others)

Population redistribution -> tourism economies benefit

Population redistribution -> tourism economies benefit

Population redistribution -> tourism economies benefit

Deep-Dive Into Variables & Observables

Composition of India’s economy


GDP Contribution (%)

Employment Distribution (%)










Some stats

Informal sector: 50% of employment (source)

Informal sector: 50% of employment (source)

Informal sector: 50% of employment (source)

BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) sector: 4m people employed (source), $38B revenue (wikipedia).

BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) sector: 4m people employed (source), $38B revenue (wikipedia).

BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) sector: 4m people employed (source), $38B revenue (wikipedia).

GDP $4T (wikipedia)

GDP $4T (wikipedia)

GDP $4T (wikipedia)

India’s demographics

Some references:

India demographics (Pew)

India demographics (Pew)

India demographics (Pew)

Median age 23 (wikipedia)

Median age 23 (wikipedia)

Median age 23 (wikipedia)

First order effects of AGI by 2030



BPO demand down 4 million (1%)

Divergence (India as two countries, rural vs cities)

Divergent effect -> inequality increase

Services productivity way up

Infrastructure 50% adoption

Public health

Industry productivity up

70% rural adoption

Agriculture automation

(Why hasn’t India already adopted other technologies: (a) political and (b) intl competition)

Low demand for automation because labour costs are low

Public health better

(India has 20% of world chip designers)

Education better

Agriculture in India

Low adoption of AI (few internet connected and far from frontline)

Low adoption of AI (few internet connected and far from frontline)

Low adoption of AI (few internet connected and far from frontline)

Service Sector

Some data

“India’s services exports grew from $53 billion to $338 billion between 2005 and 2023”, ~1/10 of GDP ($4T) (Goldman Sachs)

“India’s services exports grew from $53 billion to $338 billion between 2005 and 2023”, ~1/10 of GDP ($4T) (Goldman Sachs)

“India’s services exports grew from $53 billion to $338 billion between 2005 and 2023”, ~1/10 of GDP ($4T) (Goldman Sachs)

26% of students pay for private tutoring (source)

26% of students pay for private tutoring (source)

26% of students pay for private tutoring (source)

Might expand if it gets cheaper, more accessible

Might expand if it gets cheaper, more accessible

Might expand if it gets cheaper, more accessible

Commonalities, Cruxes, Uncertainties

Write a 1-paragraph reflection and summary of the model you’ve created.

We focused on India as an economy with components reflecting multiple aspects of economic issues addressing LMICs (services, agriculture, manufacturing, extractives, tourism). We then considered first order effects of AGI by 2030, seeing decreases in BPO, increases in service productivity, increases in manufacturing and extractives productivity, increases in agricultural productivity, better diffusion of higher quality public health and education services, particularly to rural areas

Constraints on adoption/diffusion include the rural/urban divide (70%/30%), limited access to the internet (~52% access, lower than global median of 66%), potential political and international competition reasons for lack of economic advancement and technological adoption.

Impacts: better public health, potential increases in in-country inequality. Likely low demand for domestic automation in near term due to low cost of labor, but likely major reductions in outsourced/offshored services/BPO labor based in India. May see opportunities to take advantage of presence of 20% of world’s chip designers based in India (though working for int’l firms), or globally distributed AI talent with Indian citizenship

What are the most important cruxes you’ve found from this work? Answers to what questions would most help you resolve predictions from your economic model?

Adoption of AI in Agriculture

Adoption of AI in Agriculture

Adoption of AI in Agriculture

Why it could be slow: Low internet access overall suggests low adoption of technology (from lack of infrastructure, protectionist policies, e.g. farmers’ protests, lack of international competition pressure due to large domestic consumption).

Why it could be slow: Low internet access overall suggests low adoption of technology (from lack of infrastructure, protectionist policies, e.g. farmers’ protests, lack of international competition pressure due to large domestic consumption).

Why it could be slow: Low internet access overall suggests low adoption of technology (from lack of infrastructure, protectionist policies, e.g. farmers’ protests, lack of international competition pressure due to large domestic consumption).

Why it could be fast: AI may run on people’s phones directly, like taking a photo of crops, providing audio reminders / advice. Ag companies have a model to rent out equipment.

Why it could be fast: AI may run on people’s phones directly, like taking a photo of crops, providing audio reminders / advice. Ag companies have a model to rent out equipment.

Why it could be fast: AI may run on people’s phones directly, like taking a photo of crops, providing audio reminders / advice. Ag companies have a model to rent out equipment.

What was the area of most uncertainty in your model?

The extent to which global competitive pressures pushes India to undertake more drastic reform or not.

What measurables, if you had access to, would help you predict the value of your top-level metric most effectively?

What are the topics that members of your table disagreed on the most?

Share of GDP

Share of employment

Export (% GDP)













Sectors where it will enhance productivity the most:




Knowledge work - service exports

Knowledge work - service exports

Knowledge work - service exports




Especially drugs

Especially drugs

Especially drugs

Group 5: Quality of Life

Ideating on Intermediate Variables: What are the most important variables that contribute to the previously selected top-level metric?







Social safety nets

Social safety nets

Social safety nets

Social Mobility (seems more specific though)

Social Mobility (seems more specific though)

Social Mobility (seems more specific though)

Civic engagement

Civic engagement

Civic engagement

Mental and physical health (Injury / health)

Mental and physical health (Injury / health)

Mental and physical health (Injury / health)

Biosphere / environment

Biosphere / environment

Biosphere / environment

OECD better life index

OECD better life index

OECD better life index

Major harm expectations: mass employment, pathogens, nanotech risks, depressed/anxious/mental health,


More people to declare disability for mental wellbeing.

More people to declare disability for mental wellbeing.

More people to declare disability for mental wellbeing.

This has been a trend already for younger generation, staying at home, living with parents.

This has been a trend already for younger generation, staying at home, living with parents.

This has been a trend already for younger generation, staying at home, living with parents.

Anxiety normalized, mental health normalized, previous generation cannot be a reference class

Anxiety normalized, mental health normalized, previous generation cannot be a reference class

Anxiety normalized, mental health normalized, previous generation cannot be a reference class

Deregulation of THC - high concentration THC has different properties, becoming less productive

Deregulation of THC - high concentration THC has different properties, becoming less productive

Deregulation of THC - high concentration THC has different properties, becoming less productive

Baseline anxiety may be caused by microplastics / pathogens similar to lead causing anger/violent behavior

Baseline anxiety may be caused by microplastics / pathogens similar to lead causing anger/violent behavior

Baseline anxiety may be caused by microplastics / pathogens similar to lead causing anger/violent behavior

We’re interested in self-reported agency / sense of purpose. 

People can be free to travel etc. but feel useless. This is somewhat decoupled from labor participation. 

AI can help with mental health processes such as cognitive behavioral therapy, but these are mitigating existing hard contexts rather than addressing the contexts that create these.

A portion of this comes from entrenchment, and not being able to be a meaningful participant in the civic context / in the tribe. Isolation from city, decoupling from political choice that governs people’s lives, prevention of social mobility

Relatively few of the other groups will be looking at physical health (nuclear war, nano)

Commonalities, Cruxes, Uncertainties

Write a 1-paragraph reflection and summary of the model you’ve created.

We agreed on most things. Could have fleshed out more the causal connections for how manipulation ops affect physical safety. We came up with what seemed reasonable for measuring things out in the world that aren't necessarily well-measured currently, that we assume can be given the right resources. Seems like a decent assumption for this process, but requires some stable methodology to actually do. We focused on physical safety at the exclusion of all the other parts of well-being (e.g parts of the OECD better life index) and we would have liked to be able to do more than one drill-down on the features of well being.

We also did not get a chance to look at different dimensions / other breakdowns of quality of life, which would have been interesting.

More work of this type is needed! By teams of full-time people.

What are the most important cruxes you’ve found from this work? Answers to what questions would most help you resolve predictions from your economic model?

How our metrics change over time - the longitudinal aspect of these metrics would be interesting to explore.

We kind of assumed a general international melee / conflict, but did not explore in detail how that conflict would evolve or be exacerbated, by AI or otherwise.

What was the area of most uncertainty in your model?

Likelihood of war is a strategic inflection point as to what to focus on for our model.

What measurables, if you had access to, would help you predict the value of your top-level metric most effectively?

Labour participation rate / unemployment rate would be most likely first order indicators in the majority of world lines for QOL.

For physical safety, probably things around civil unrest and regime stability, even thought we didn't cover those comprehensively.

What are the topics that members of your table disagreed on the most?

Disagree on rate of AI diffusion in research.